Monday, July 14, 2008

Multiple Streams of Income

Multiple streams of income...sounds like it really should make you a lot of money.
Doesn't it? That's what a lot of different MLM companies have been telling us. But is it
true? What do they mean by multiple streams of income? How many people do you know that
have been making money this way? I know I haven't. I just seem to have multiple streams
of out go. Yep, that's right. The more things I get involved in, the more money goes out
the window. "They" tell you, you have to spend money to make are investing
in your much is your future need to buy this to be
successful...and of course there are many other things you have heard to this effect.

At first it all sounds so logical.

If you have a regular job and you need more money, what do you do? Ask your boss for a
raise? (in today's economy few businesses are passing out raises or bonuses to their
employees) Get a part time job?(yes, you could do that, if you can find something to work
around the hours you all ready work at your full time job) Get a full time second job?
(yes, that too is an option, but again, it needs to be flexible enough to work around your
primary job) These all could bring in more money. Right? So... Wouldn't having multiple MLM
business lines also bring in that added income? Why does it not work in the network
marketing business?

I've talked to dozens of recruiters, and people calling themselves mentors, or
other such names that are suppose to give you confidence and trust in what they are
saying, but it seems they are all telling me I need to fork over money I just don't have.
I mean, how can I invest in any thing (a business, my future, the piggy bank on my
dresser) if I can't even pay this month's phone bill? Yet that is exactly what they say.
Sadly they just don't get it. And truthfully, til now...I believed them, and did not pay
that telephone bill so I could "invest" in that future I so badly wanted, and only got deeper in
debt. Because of course, I was only putting more money in someone else's pocket and less
in mine.

What's the answer?

Educating yourself about the different MLM companies, picking a 5 pillar company, and concentrating all your efforts into developing and growing that one company. No MLM company is going to make you money with out you putting in a lot of hard work. No matter what "they" say, It just does not happen with out you putting in that work. So why spread yourself so thin that nothing is accomplished on any level?

Don't believe all the things you are told when some one is trying to "sell" you on something. Get Educated about the business, from someone other than the person trying to sell you the business. Before you buy into the business.

How? There are many ways to educate yourself. Google it! Google the founder of the company. Google the person who is trying to sell you on the company. Check out the Better Business Bureau. Do the same kind of research into the business you would do if you were going to buy a car, or a house, or a refrigerator. Don't be rushed into any kind of decision. Especially if it is going to cost you any of your hard earned money.

If you need help in educating yourself about any MLM business, there is a FREE program that you may call upon at any time. This is the MentoringForFree program. Like the name implies... it is totally free. Always. If you have done your own investigation and still would like more help... Our motto is ... a mentor with a servant's heart. To your success.



Anonymous said...

Bravo Denise,
WOW! If people don't understand about multiple streams of out put after reading this. They deserve to lose all their money. This information is awesome and anyone out there needing help should definitely get in contact with you. You really know your stuff!

Melanie Kissell said...

I could literally feel your passion about this topic as I read your post! Every single word you say is true. As a business coach and mentor, I've heard so many devastating stories about people getting roped into multiple streams of "out-go" programs.

Your blog post will certainly open people's eyes and have them stop and think about what they're getting themselves into ... before they get sucked down into some inescapable dark hole of financial disaster!

~Melanie Kissell

Anonymous said...

Denise. Excellent article. There is so much false information about the advantages/disadvantages of multiple streams pf income. Your article was very informative. Thanks, Diane

Tony Logue said...

Fantastic info!

What a novel idea. Check out what you're thinking about getting involved in BEFORE you do it.

Most people wait until they've plunked down their money and when it's not working like "they" said it would THEN they do their homework.

Oh gee, the owners failed at their last four companies...oh it takes a zillion people in my downline to make 100 bucks...

Great stuff...Tony

Unknown said...

I have personally fallen into the trap of multiple streams of out-go... I mean income. If it's income why did I have more out-go?

Focus, focus, focus. I found that by focusing of ONE thing only is the only way to go.

Live Limitless,
Ashley Bolivar

Anonymous said...

Good informatin Denise. Just keep spreading the word. Some people will listen.

Bill Tessore said...

Hi Denise,

I like your personal touch here with the "piggie bank". Oh, but does that sound familiar.

Isn't it odd how otherwise savvy adults make such sophomoric decisions based on the demands of professional puppeteers?

Very good work.

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore
Bill Tessore's Blurbs