Saturday, July 19, 2008

Freedom to be Me

The last couple days the weather in this area has be stifling. The humidity just drains all the ambition and energy out of a person. The cost of electricity really makes a person think twice about whether to turn the air conditioning on or not. Being in the house seems unbearable.I think there might be a breeze out on the patio under the gazebo... but how do I get my big desk top computer out there?

I know it sounds silly but I had really been contemplating how to get all this stuff out there so I can enjoy the warm breeze under the shade of the gazebo. I had been thinking about using the long extension cord for the Christmas lights, disconnecting all the wires under my desk and dragging the monitor, pc unit and the keyboard out to the picnic table and my favorite lawn chair. I even went so for as to mention my need to write this blog and do my business on the computer to my husband and how I wish I could be out side instead, and being the wonderful man he is... at first I thought he was volunteering to move all this stuff out doors for me... no better yet... he said, why don't you just take the laptop out side and do your stuff on that?

Yeah---- Well, I think we all ready established I am a BLUE personality but I don't think I ever mentioned I am also a latent blonde.

So, with the help of my husband, I do get to enjoy that wonderful breeze under the gazebo and I get to work my home based business. As I sit out here, I am thinking, Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could do all of my work out here and not have to go into a hot factory each day to earn a paycheck.

That is one of my goals ( at least for the summer months) I think the snow in the winter might make the gazebo a bit nippy on the fingers and toes. So what is the point of all this rambling in today's entry?

Freedom. The freedom to do business out side in a lawn chair on a hot summer day. Freedom to be a whacky blue personality. Not having to conform either in my thinking or in the way I approach life. And luckily I have found the organization that allows me to be me. MentoringForFree. It can give you that freedom too. Give us a call we will work with you.

1 comment:

JenniferF said...

You think you could get him to Houston to move my pc also? I'd want a roof over my beautiful deck first though....

You are a great writer. Keep working on that 'mental stuff', you'll be sitting on the gazebo anytime you want...

Also, thanks for being such a wonderful mentor.