Friday, July 18, 2008

Do you have the skills you need to succeed?

At the time of this writing, I have a cat sleeping half on my wacom tablet and 2 big dogs laying at the screen door of my office. Why do I mention these things? They are the things that make me smile and bring a lot of joy into my heart. They are a part of my why. The reason I got back into Network Marketing and MentoringForFree. I enjoy sitting here in my office, working on the computer, occasionally looking over at the dogs or nudging the cat over so I can use the mouse. It is not because I do not like my job. I do. Some days it is really fun to be there. But I really would like to make this internet/network marketing thing a full time career so that I could spend more time with the dogs and cats and doing things with the grandchildren and not having to worry about where the money is going to come from to pay the bills.

I know MentoringForFree is the path I need to follow to achieve the freedom I so desperately want. It is teaching me the skills I need to be successful in this business. I get very inpatient that I haven't learned enough, fast enough to become independent yet. There are so many things to learn. So many pieces of the puzzle to put into place. I realize a person never stops learning and growing, and that is perfectly all right with me. I love the process of learning. It is just that on some days, when I sit here and glance at the relaxed state of my pets, I have such envy for the relaxed state. I have set a goal for financial freedom and I am not feeling at all relaxed about it.
There just seems so much to do. But, and it is a big but, I first need to learn the skills of this business. I have to master the skills, not just simply learn them. And then I will be able to put them into action.

Yes, MentoringForFree is the path to learn these skills. No other program I have been in has even come close to the amount of skills I have learned so far. It is up to me to do the work to master the skills that they are teaching me. Once I master these skills, I will be able to rach my goals. Until then, I will keep participating on the daily skills calls and I will "follow the recipe" for success that has been proven by my mentors to make a financially free network marketer.

Do you have the skills you need to achieve your goals? The mentors at MentoringForFree can teach you the skills that the others did not. Be on the path to success. Join our conferencing calls. You will be glad you did.

1 comment:

Debbie Hudson said...

You are so right about the teachings of Mentoring For Free. Without these wonderful leaders I know without a doubt that I would not be where I am today with my business. It is hard to not be impatient because we live in a society of instant gratification. We have to live for today and for today only. Do what we need for today and tomorrow will take care of itself. Denise you are growing in personal development and I can see that you are headed in the right direction. If you are impatient or having any struggles with your business, Denise is the person you want to get in contact with, she will help you to get on the tracks of success.

Thanks for sharing

Your Friend For Life