Sunday, July 13, 2008

Color to Success Cd and Call

In a number of previous articles I have talked about the different personality colors. My good friend and mentor, Michael Dlouhy took a great deal of time and energy to research the 4 personality types, which he so kindly dubbed with the colors (Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow). His purpose had been to better understand what motivated people to do and say the things they do and how to interact with them on both a personal and professional level. Being a professional mentor, knowing this type of information about a person makes coaching them an easier task.

Michael decided this information was essential for all the MentoringForFree mentors to know and understand. He has produced a cd with this information on it, called Color to Success. If you are interested in this topic and would like to here what Michael Dlouhy has to say, you may acquire this cd at the following web site. On the first Saturday of each month, Richard Dennis interviews Michael Dlouhy about the personality colors. This is always a very well attended skills call.

For more information on this life changing calls, please contact me or any member of the MentoringForFree team. My # is 262-248-2015 or drop me an email at and I will gladly call you with that information.


Melanie Kissell said...

Between me, you, and the lamp post ...

The "Colors Technology" is my all time favorite part of the lessons I learned at MentoringForFree! Understanding the four different personality colors is fascinating and a very powerful business building tool.

Thanks for sharing what I love best!

~Melanie Kissell

not me said...

The colors is helping me identifying the needs of people downloading the e book. To tailer made the program adapted to the individual's need. And trust me Denise know how to use the tools in mentoring for free. So download the e book, read it, get hold of Denise. That's all the effort it take to be on your way to success.
Take care
Bernard Tritz

Anonymous said...

The "Colors Training" has helped me tremendously with my business and my personal relationships. It is much easier then those other technical names(melancholy,sanguine,etc.)To learn more about this easy color teaching get in contact with Denise. She will get you moving on to success.
Thanks for sharing,