Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Using self talk and movies for Inspiration

I recently read a blog by an Australian blogger named Yaro Starak He talked about staying productive when you feel like giving up. Yaro was basically talking about blogging as a money making profession, but his advice seems to carry over into just about anything a person might do. He mentions a number of things I have learned in the MentoringForFree program. Number 1 and in my view most important, your mind set. Your mind can both be your greatest asset or your biggest enemy. In his blog Yaro says at times when you just don't feel motivated you need to look for the little rewards. Patience and willpower. You sometimes just have to force your self to put out the work and focus on your work and not on all the external elements that are bringing you down. These are great words. I'm sure they work for many people. But what if you are beyond patience? What if you have run out of willpower?

Success often comes slowly. You have to put in a lot of background work to set up the process to achieve your success. It sometimes feels like it is a long way off and it is quite easy to get discouraged and want to give up. This is when you need to do some "self talk".

You are probably wondering what I mean by self talk. It's basically a little pep talk you tell your self two or three times a day, some times hundreds of times a day (one which you have specifically written down for yourself) . In this talk to yourself, you state your goals and how you plan on achieving these goals. No it is not just a statement about "I want to be rich by doing network marketing"of something like that. It has to be so very much more. You need to put your heart and soul into your self talk. You need to give yourself that boost. It needs to fill you with inspiration and a knowing that You Will Succeed.

Each person's self talk is different. Everyone is motivated and inspired by different things. I recently learned about a mind movie. One of the mentors in our group recently made one for himself and posted it on youtube. Reuben made this mind movie for himself to replay 2 and3 times a day to help stay motivated and focused on his goals. Even though Reuben made this one for himself I also find his video very inspiring. Maybe you will too. This is a wonderful idea for the person who is very visual. Any one can make their very own mind movie. In your own movie you would put in the music, pictures and text which most motivates and inspires you.

Be inspired. Write your self talk.. Make your own mind movie..

If you need help with either of these, the mentors at MentoringForFree can help you.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Freedom to be Me

The last couple days the weather in this area has be stifling. The humidity just drains all the ambition and energy out of a person. The cost of electricity really makes a person think twice about whether to turn the air conditioning on or not. Being in the house seems unbearable.I think there might be a breeze out on the patio under the gazebo... but how do I get my big desk top computer out there?

I know it sounds silly but I had really been contemplating how to get all this stuff out there so I can enjoy the warm breeze under the shade of the gazebo. I had been thinking about using the long extension cord for the Christmas lights, disconnecting all the wires under my desk and dragging the monitor, pc unit and the keyboard out to the picnic table and my favorite lawn chair. I even went so for as to mention my need to write this blog and do my business on the computer to my husband and how I wish I could be out side instead, and being the wonderful man he is... at first I thought he was volunteering to move all this stuff out doors for me... no better yet... he said, why don't you just take the laptop out side and do your stuff on that?

Yeah---- Well, I think we all ready established I am a BLUE personality but I don't think I ever mentioned I am also a latent blonde.

So, with the help of my husband, I do get to enjoy that wonderful breeze under the gazebo and I get to work my home based business. As I sit out here, I am thinking, Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could do all of my work out here and not have to go into a hot factory each day to earn a paycheck.

That is one of my goals ( at least for the summer months) I think the snow in the winter might make the gazebo a bit nippy on the fingers and toes. So what is the point of all this rambling in today's entry?

Freedom. The freedom to do business out side in a lawn chair on a hot summer day. Freedom to be a whacky blue personality. Not having to conform either in my thinking or in the way I approach life. And luckily I have found the organization that allows me to be me. MentoringForFree. It can give you that freedom too. Give us a call we will work with you.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Do you have the skills you need to succeed?

At the time of this writing, I have a cat sleeping half on my wacom tablet and 2 big dogs laying at the screen door of my office. Why do I mention these things? They are the things that make me smile and bring a lot of joy into my heart. They are a part of my why. The reason I got back into Network Marketing and MentoringForFree. I enjoy sitting here in my office, working on the computer, occasionally looking over at the dogs or nudging the cat over so I can use the mouse. It is not because I do not like my job. I do. Some days it is really fun to be there. But I really would like to make this internet/network marketing thing a full time career so that I could spend more time with the dogs and cats and doing things with the grandchildren and not having to worry about where the money is going to come from to pay the bills.

I know MentoringForFree is the path I need to follow to achieve the freedom I so desperately want. It is teaching me the skills I need to be successful in this business. I get very inpatient that I haven't learned enough, fast enough to become independent yet. There are so many things to learn. So many pieces of the puzzle to put into place. I realize a person never stops learning and growing, and that is perfectly all right with me. I love the process of learning. It is just that on some days, when I sit here and glance at the relaxed state of my pets, I have such envy for the relaxed state. I have set a goal for financial freedom and I am not feeling at all relaxed about it.
There just seems so much to do. But, and it is a big but, I first need to learn the skills of this business. I have to master the skills, not just simply learn them. And then I will be able to put them into action.

Yes, MentoringForFree is the path to learn these skills. No other program I have been in has even come close to the amount of skills I have learned so far. It is up to me to do the work to master the skills that they are teaching me. Once I master these skills, I will be able to rach my goals. Until then, I will keep participating on the daily skills calls and I will "follow the recipe" for success that has been proven by my mentors to make a financially free network marketer.

Do you have the skills you need to achieve your goals? The mentors at MentoringForFree can teach you the skills that the others did not. Be on the path to success. Join our conferencing calls. You will be glad you did.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Don and Penny Show

In my last blog I mentioned one of my favorite skills training calls. It is the Thursday afternoon call given by Don Standard and Penny Dude. For me this is the greatest and most beneficial call I can listen to. Don and Penny provide information on many different avenues to advertise a persons business or product at little or no cost. They tell you what new things people are using to advertise and they actually go over the programs or sites to show an inexperienced person how to use them. I can get around on the computer okay in certain programs but it seems the sites and programs I am good at aren't the ones that will help me advertise my MentoringForFree sites. (Photoshop and illustrator are just not good for advertising any kind of thing.)

From listening on these calls I have been finding there are a lot of people just like me. They are trying to do business on the internet and just do not know how to get around on the sites. They only know the very basics of maneuvering around the computer in general.
Both Don Standard and Penny Dude are both very knowledgeable in the programs and sites that they instruct us newbies on. They are very diligent and meticulous about the information they are giving. Many time They will do a step by step process to help us get a new advertising site up and running. I personally really appreciate their patience and understanding. Many times Don will repeat (2 or 3 times) what he has just gone through in order to help one of us who can't quite grasp the concept we are talking about or got lost on the previous page and can't figure out how to advance to the page everyone else is on. Many times there is a lot of information to cover, and I can hear the frustration in Don's voice when we aren't quite moving as fast as he had planned on. Penny is always very helpful in these situations. She seems to intuitively know what it is that is causing the hang up with the rest of us and helps to redirect the lesson a little so that those of us that are struggling can grasp the information a little better.

Don and Penny make a fantastic team. I have learned so much during their calls. In fact if I have to work on Thursday afternoons, their recorded call is the first one I will listen to when I have a few minutes to sit at the computer.

For any one who is new or struggling with learning the computer, I highly recommend everyone give these calls a listen. You will definitely learn new things!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Zero Dollar for Advertising

What is your advertising budget? How much are you spending to make your company
profitable? Too much? Are you over Budget? Or would you just like to spend less?
What would you say if I told you I could show you how to cut your advertising costs?
Well... I can!

If you are like most network marketers, the problem is you have no budget to
begin with. You have no money coming in from the business to pay for advertising and your
personal budget is already stretched to the limit. After all, needing extra money was the
driving force in starting a network marketing business.

There are many ways to advertise your company and/or products. Some costing lots
of money. Some only a little. And luckily for both you and me, some do not cost you
anything. That's right $0.00. The trick is in knowing what they are and where to
find them.

This is where MentoringForFree comes to the rescue. On many of the
MentoringForFree skills training calls we discuss different methods of advertising which
cost nothing but your time and energy. With some hard work your company can compete with
others who are spending thousands of dollars for their advertising. Oh come
have to put out some effort if you expect to make any kind of money. We can't do it all
for you. We can only give you the tools and show you how to use them. You are the one who
has to apply this information to your situation and your company.

The idea of spending $0.00 for advertising may sound unbelievable, but is the
truth. In fact, 2 of my favorite mentors, Don Standard and Penny Dude have a training call
every Thursday afternoon which is devoted to exactly that topic. Advertising your
company on a $0.00 budget. Don Standard and Penny Dude specifically train their listeners
on various formats that can be used to "sell" your product or company. It does not matter
what company or product it is. These calls are always generic and can be applied to all

Do not think you have to spend lots of money to make money! Well, I suppose you
can if you want to, but there are many many ways for you to advertise without spending
any money at all.

For the sake of your pocketbook, the piggy bank on the dresser, and for the
advancement of your business, get on one of these calls. You will be glad you did!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Multiple Streams of Income

Multiple streams of income...sounds like it really should make you a lot of money.
Doesn't it? That's what a lot of different MLM companies have been telling us. But is it
true? What do they mean by multiple streams of income? How many people do you know that
have been making money this way? I know I haven't. I just seem to have multiple streams
of out go. Yep, that's right. The more things I get involved in, the more money goes out
the window. "They" tell you, you have to spend money to make are investing
in your much is your future need to buy this to be
successful...and of course there are many other things you have heard to this effect.

At first it all sounds so logical.

If you have a regular job and you need more money, what do you do? Ask your boss for a
raise? (in today's economy few businesses are passing out raises or bonuses to their
employees) Get a part time job?(yes, you could do that, if you can find something to work
around the hours you all ready work at your full time job) Get a full time second job?
(yes, that too is an option, but again, it needs to be flexible enough to work around your
primary job) These all could bring in more money. Right? So... Wouldn't having multiple MLM
business lines also bring in that added income? Why does it not work in the network
marketing business?

I've talked to dozens of recruiters, and people calling themselves mentors, or
other such names that are suppose to give you confidence and trust in what they are
saying, but it seems they are all telling me I need to fork over money I just don't have.
I mean, how can I invest in any thing (a business, my future, the piggy bank on my
dresser) if I can't even pay this month's phone bill? Yet that is exactly what they say.
Sadly they just don't get it. And truthfully, til now...I believed them, and did not pay
that telephone bill so I could "invest" in that future I so badly wanted, and only got deeper in
debt. Because of course, I was only putting more money in someone else's pocket and less
in mine.

What's the answer?

Educating yourself about the different MLM companies, picking a 5 pillar company, and concentrating all your efforts into developing and growing that one company. No MLM company is going to make you money with out you putting in a lot of hard work. No matter what "they" say, It just does not happen with out you putting in that work. So why spread yourself so thin that nothing is accomplished on any level?

Don't believe all the things you are told when some one is trying to "sell" you on something. Get Educated about the business, from someone other than the person trying to sell you the business. Before you buy into the business.

How? There are many ways to educate yourself. Google it! Google the founder of the company. Google the person who is trying to sell you on the company. Check out the Better Business Bureau. Do the same kind of research into the business you would do if you were going to buy a car, or a house, or a refrigerator. Don't be rushed into any kind of decision. Especially if it is going to cost you any of your hard earned money.

If you need help in educating yourself about any MLM business, there is a FREE program that you may call upon at any time. This is the MentoringForFree program. Like the name implies... it is totally free. Always. If you have done your own investigation and still would like more help... Our motto is ... a mentor with a servant's heart. To your success.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Color to Success Cd and Call

In a number of previous articles I have talked about the different personality colors. My good friend and mentor, Michael Dlouhy took a great deal of time and energy to research the 4 personality types, which he so kindly dubbed with the colors (Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow). His purpose had been to better understand what motivated people to do and say the things they do and how to interact with them on both a personal and professional level. Being a professional mentor, knowing this type of information about a person makes coaching them an easier task.

Michael decided this information was essential for all the MentoringForFree mentors to know and understand. He has produced a cd with this information on it, called Color to Success. If you are interested in this topic and would like to here what Michael Dlouhy has to say, you may acquire this cd at the following web site. On the first Saturday of each month, Richard Dennis interviews Michael Dlouhy about the personality colors. This is always a very well attended skills call.

For more information on this life changing calls, please contact me or any member of the MentoringForFree team. My # is 262-248-2015 or drop me an email at and I will gladly call you with that information.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cleanse your mind of the Negative

You are constantly being bombarded with negative information on a moment by moment basis. This negativity takes on the form of disturbing world and local news from the television, newspaper, radio, and believe it or not the computer. This negative media effects your well being by putting stress on you. This stress eventually wears down your whole body and immune system. Over time,being physically and mentally drained by this negative media flow can and usually does effect your goals in life.

MentoringForFree has a free program that helps stop the negative voices in your mind that have been created by all the negative media feeds. This free program is called the "30 Day Mental Cleanse". It is an on-going program and you may enter into the program at any time. You don't have to wait til one session starts and a new one begins and you may continue the program for as long as you like.

The basis for the program is the book Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. We read a specific chapter each week and submit a short lesson of that chapter, which is then the source of that week's conference call. Many people doing the Mental Cleanse have read the book many times. Each time gleaning a better insight into both what Hill is saying and how the individual has been effected by his interpretation of that chapter. As Michael Dlouhy is apt to say... Stop the chatter in your mind.

I realize this last sounds pretty intense and like a lot of work. And it really can be. It's that old get out of something, what you put into it.

The purpose of the 30 Day Mental Cleanse is for personal growth. Personal growth can take on many forms. Sometimes it is easy to grow and sometimes it takes work. That part is all up to you. If you are interested in taking a break from the stress that the negative media feeds have placed on your life, then join us on the 30 day Mental Cleanse. You'll be glad you did.

For more information on these life changing calls, please contact me or any member of the MentoringForFree team. My # is 262-248-2015 or drop me an email at and I will gladly call you with that information.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A green personality

In an earlier article I wrote about the challenges I seem to have being a blue personality. I would like to continue writing on the topic of personality colors in this article also. In this article I would like to write about the fascinating "green personality". But before I start, I want everyone to understand that even though a person has a major "personality color"' each person has a little bit of every color in their whole being. At different times of a person's life, different colors may become dominant, this is also true in different situations. Everyone can be every color at various times, if they so chose to be , but the dominant personality color is the one that the person choses to be most often and is happiest being that way.

Recently I have had the privilege of interviewing a green personality (Bob Bassett) for the purpose of this blog. I have tried to compare his thinking process to mine, so I can better understand his thought processing of various situations , especially when it comes to network marketing and business.

I judiciously took notes on our conversation. Now I find myself with the task of converting my notes and impressions into a coherent article. I was very fascinated with how detail oriented Bob's explanations and answers to my questions were.

I asked him a number of questions which he gladly answered. At some points in the conversation I really do not know who was in control of the interview. I would ask a question and Bob would just take off from there. He was very analytical about what he was telling me. Bob is happy with his green view of the world. In my mind this is a good outlook. To me, this means he is happy being who he is and it would not matter what color you label him as, this is who Bob is comfortable being. Being labeled a certain color did not impress him or offend him, it just was.

As we talked on, Bob mentioned how he preferred for things to make sense. He did not like the hype/bull /drama that some people insist on bringing into life. He much preferred the straight forward approach to all aspects of life, both business and personal.

Having a major problem with staying focused on a project, I was extremely interested in his method of staying on a project til completion, and was amazed at the simplicity of his approach.
Bob indicated that he was personally a very visual person and many times created graphs and diagrams to organize his thoughts. He also planned ahead for interruptions, where he scheduled time with his wife, Anna Bassett(who also is his business partner and a yellow personality) to do certain activities while he did others. I learned that using visual prompts such as a large desk top calender to write on and a special computer program that audibly cued him of upcoming appointments was another great device both Bob and Anna used to remind themselves of appointments.

I have a terrible time about goals, both setting them and achieving them, so naturally this was one of my concerns when we talked, Bob's reply opened my eyes to how I (a blue) was approaching goals and how he (a green) approached goals. Bob and Anna's idea about goals is to "set reasonable goals to be reached in a reasonable length of time." I definitely think they might be on to something with this. I seem to set these outrageous goals that I want to accomplish immediately, and then wonder why I get discouraged and give up when I don't reach them in the time frame I have set for myself.

Talking to the "green"Bob Bassett, I learned quite a number of things. All of it pretty much boils down to the 4 words he said toward the end of our conversation...Work Smart, Not Hard. I like this idea also.

There are so many things here to take note of. I really appreciate the time and energy that was so freely extended to me for the purpose of this article. I have learned a lot from a very strong green personality. I hope I will be able to incorporate some of these lessons into my future mentoring.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Bob and Anna Bassett of MentoringForFree. Without their generous offer of time and information this article could not have been possible. For more
information on Bob and Anna Bassett, you may view blogs written by them at