Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chaos vrs Organization

I am a "Blue" and chaos is just a natural part of my life, at least it has been up to this point. It has been explained to me by MentoringForFree that knowing what color my personality is, and knowing what color personalities other people are will help me in my one-on-one interaction with people and better able short circuit the traits that hinder me from achieving the goals I have set for myself.

Over the centuries many scientists and philosophers have studied the personality traits of people. It has been determined, there are 4 basic personalities. The particular names each group was referred to depended on the source of the study. Of course the official scientific names are very forgettable and hard to pronounce. Luckily for us, my mentor, Michael Dlouhy, has coined the names as red, blue, green, and yellow. This does make it a lot easier to remember and talk about.

Blues are people who are always doing 2 or 3 things at once. We tend to be doing one thing and thinking about a dozen other things we should be doing at the same time. We start something and quite easily get side tracked in the middle of it. If we have a list of things to do, we will be trying to do them all at the same time. and then get frustrated because it is not working out and we are not getting results fast enough. Oh yeah... that's me.

With all this stuff going on in my head at one time, it is a wonder I have made it this far with out my mind exploding. Truthfully, I always thought every ones' minds were as full of stuff and chaos as mine is. I am learning this is not the case. Some people actually have some sort of
organization going on in their heads (greens are the best at organized thoughts). As it is, being a major BLUE personality may create a few disadvantages in communicating with those who are not blues. It can also hinder my progress in reaching many of the goals I set for myself, when and if I actually get around to setting actual goals.

Realizing I am a blue and discovering the strengths and weaknesses of my personality traits has been a very enlightening experience. I now find myself doing things to keep focused on a project so that I complete it in a timely manner. (Actually just being able to stay on track is a major accomplishment on certain days). Getting to know my color and the colors of the people I interact with has been one of the best things MentoringForFree has taught me. Believe me...if it can help me, I am positive it can help you, too.


Unknown said...

I am also a blue and my mind is always running in a million different directions! This is great education for anyone that is trying to build relationships in the Network Marketing field. I also love the mental cleanse, that is helping me tremendously!
Tamara Racine

Morelife said...

Knowing peoples personality type makes life much easier when networking. As a green it is very valuable information. Thanks for posting.
Take care
Bernard Tritz

Anonymous said...

Yep, Knowing your own personality is critical in developing relationships with others. Good message.

Linda & J-Luiz said...

Network Marketing is a people business; knowing yourself and other's personality is a key for success in this business.


Melanie Kissell said...

Even though I'm a "Yellow" personality color, "Blue" is my favorite color!

MentoringForFree does the best Colors Technology training I have ever seen! It's simple and very easy to understand. It's an invaluable training that will definitely help network marketers in communicating with prospects.

Thanks for this great info,
