Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chaos vrs Organization

I am a "Blue" and chaos is just a natural part of my life, at least it has been up to this point. It has been explained to me by MentoringForFree that knowing what color my personality is, and knowing what color personalities other people are will help me in my one-on-one interaction with people and better able short circuit the traits that hinder me from achieving the goals I have set for myself.

Over the centuries many scientists and philosophers have studied the personality traits of people. It has been determined, there are 4 basic personalities. The particular names each group was referred to depended on the source of the study. Of course the official scientific names are very forgettable and hard to pronounce. Luckily for us, my mentor, Michael Dlouhy, has coined the names as red, blue, green, and yellow. This does make it a lot easier to remember and talk about.

Blues are people who are always doing 2 or 3 things at once. We tend to be doing one thing and thinking about a dozen other things we should be doing at the same time. We start something and quite easily get side tracked in the middle of it. If we have a list of things to do, we will be trying to do them all at the same time. and then get frustrated because it is not working out and we are not getting results fast enough. Oh yeah... that's me.

With all this stuff going on in my head at one time, it is a wonder I have made it this far with out my mind exploding. Truthfully, I always thought every ones' minds were as full of stuff and chaos as mine is. I am learning this is not the case. Some people actually have some sort of
organization going on in their heads (greens are the best at organized thoughts). As it is, being a major BLUE personality may create a few disadvantages in communicating with those who are not blues. It can also hinder my progress in reaching many of the goals I set for myself, when and if I actually get around to setting actual goals.

Realizing I am a blue and discovering the strengths and weaknesses of my personality traits has been a very enlightening experience. I now find myself doing things to keep focused on a project so that I complete it in a timely manner. (Actually just being able to stay on track is a major accomplishment on certain days). Getting to know my color and the colors of the people I interact with has been one of the best things MentoringForFree has taught me. Believe me...if it can help me, I am positive it can help you, too.

Monday, June 16, 2008

What is a Mentor?

What does it mean to be a mentor? What does one do? Why should I have one? You might be asking all these questions. I am hoping to answer these questions for you with this article. A mentor is someone who has some kind of knowledge that he/she is willing to share with someone else in order to help them in some way. A mentor is a person who cares about other people enough to take the time out of their busy lives to share their experiences and knowledge in order to shorten the learning curve for the other person. Now that may seem unimportant to some, but for me, being able to avoid making some mistakes or being able to master a computer program or site in half the time than it would if I had to do it all by myself, well, that is a wonderful thing! A mentor is a teacher and a guide. It does not matter what the exact knowledge is. It can be any kind of knowledge. It can be knowing how to cook, it could be knowing how to do the "modern math" they are using in the schools now days.

Considering the scope of what a mentor is and what type of things they may have knowledge about, there are many ways in which you might benefit from having one. My personal mentor(s) have assisted me in many areas of my life, not just business related things. I use the plural form because in the MentoringForFree program there is a whole group of mentors whom I have access to. If my personal mentor and sponsor does not have the answer to my question or if she has no direct experience with that which I am asking, then we go to the group and low and behold, someone will have the expertise in that situation and my problem will be solved. It is amazing how easily and quickly I get the information I need to accomplish things that used to completely boggle my mind.

For me, MentoringForFree has change how I look at so many things. I no longer avoid situations and things because they are too confusing, or because I find a task too frustrating. All I have to do now is call or email my mentor and she walks me through the process, step by step, until I understand what I am doing and why I am doing it that way instead of a different way. ustThis is why I recommend everyone of all ages get a mentor. Actually, it's a must.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Internet is a Fickle Lover

The internet is a fickle lover. You may love it but does it love you back? It may seem that if you are in any kind of business, the internet may not love you on a consistent everyday basis.
I love the internet. I love being able to "surf the web",visit the chat rooms, talk to friends near and far, and making new friends in far off places. I think that's my favorite part, making new friends and getting to know people from across the country and around the globe. At one time I loved doing business there too. But lately I've been real skittish about any commitments into internet business.

I have been in various internet businesses for the last 10 years. I've worked a business on e-bay, I've had 2 or 3 internet stores and I've done at least a half dozen networking companies. Guess what...until now I have spent more money trying to keep these businesses up and running than I had money coming in even to support the cost of the company much less make a profit.
All those businesses and all those those years, I've tried and failed. I couldn't seem to find the key. What was I doing wrong? Why was I failing and other people and companies succeeding. Believe me, it wasn't for lack of desire or even even for trying. I tried everything I could think of to promote my many businesses.

In my last foray into an internet business, I thought I'd just look for some sort of data processing job. You know the ads and banners you see... Work from home Processing________ You fill in the blank. There's a lot of them out there, you can process just about any thing from orders, rebates,phone numbers, and the list goes on. I thought that was the job for me. I'd get paid for everything I could process. Now in my mind, I look at the word "process"and to me it reads typing--input data, and receive payment for what ever I type. Of course, how I define processing is a lot different from what the person who is advertising these great deals. Well you get the picture. None of these were the job opportunities I thought they were. Another failed business.

You see what I mean by my original statement?"the internet is a fickle lover"? I'm sure there's a lot of people out there who have tried these processing businesses and just love them, love the opportunity that they create and are making great money doing it, but for me... it was just not my cup of tea.

However, all of this eventually lead me to my present situation. Which is good. In trying to work on one of the data processing things, I stumbled across a networking /ad community site. At that site a very special lady sent me a welcome e-mail. It is that e-mail that has changed how I do business on the internet. As she has repeatedly told me" It's not your fault" I really like that statement. All this time I have been trying to find out what I have been doing wrong, why can't I make money doing this. everyone else seems to be making money, why can't I? what's wrong? In that Email I was introduced to a program that taught me what I need to know to succeed. It has taught me how to succeed in whatever business I choose to be in. The wonder of it all... it did not cost me a dime. That's right, it has been and is TOTALLY FREE! and actually that's part of the groups name, Mentoringforfree. I don't know if you heard of them or have seen any of their postings. In fact you might have received an email or video from some one in the group.

It's difficult for many people to imagine why someone would take on the task of mentoring (teaching, coaching) another person to succeed in a company or just every day life tasks and not get paid for any of it. But it is true. It is absolutely free! I was very taken with this group of mentors. And now find myself being a Free mentor. I am finding every one needs a coach, a friend, who can help direct them. Someone who has already gone through what you are doing now and can help you avoid the pit falls that may lay in your path. But why do it for free? Why not get paid? And the burning question... How can I make money on the internet if I'm doing something for free? Truth...this is not a money making program, but it is a tool to use in your business. Mentoringforfree is a program to teach you the skills you need to be successful in your chosen business. And since it is TOTALLY FREE why not look into it? Why not give yourself the advantage you need to succeed? Check out our site... it can only help you and your business. See the success for yourself.